
Sunday, July 27, 2014



1, This is your Standard website look like, you can see your name  above, all about the company, products, opportunity, what inspires us, then you see in the right side the icon join and buy now, so you can send this site to all your friends in the net, if they join you get your fast start bonus of 25% of the Qv , if they buy it will go to personal purchase QV.
 2. This is Your Pro Website look like, you can invite all professionals to join in this website, like all medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths, nurse-practitioners, energy workers, massage and physical therapist, naturopants or anyone withe the license to touch or documented authorization from some recognized regulatory body to engage in traditional or alternative healing modalities.also open to all wellness professionals, mental health specialist, nutritionist, whole/raw foods experts, dietary consultants and other wellness -related business enterprise.

This display will show if you click the power strip icon.
And also this display will show if you click inspire icon.

and this will display if you click opportunity icon and
This will be display when you click member log in, just log in your user name and password
 and when you successfully log in, this will be the screen display, everything you need to grow your business are there, your organization where all people who join you can be seen, you have the privileged where to put them , either in the left or right, after cut off  in every week you can no longer move them. you can also see the commission icon , their you can assign what to do with your money, 
 when  you select the commission icon, you click it, this will appear below, you have two choices, either, remain in your e wallet or transfer to your bank or transfer to payoneer acct. (sample of payoneer card below)  
 pls. select your option of choice, if you select direct deposit, please read instruction in your in diff language of your choice.
 Also you have to fill up the form below,, their are terms and conditions, please read and understand,
 please Read the Term and condition below
Now If you choose payoneer, you have to follow instruction (in different language of your choice)

please See library for additional info and forms 
Download payoneer form (optional)
Sample of download form (payoneer)
 this will be the display when click commission
 sample of payoneer card.
Sample of your income (e wallet)

(If you are a member : Back office training for you below)

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